
Question yourself even more!

Now, I am sure--I am SURE--that we all question ourselves. So to those who need more
questions: CLICK HERE!




Hey again. I started a new blog as part of a school project.
I hope you like it.

See you...sometime.



AAAH! MIDERMS (but worse!) School's started up again, and now I'm dealing with the Jr. High equivalent of "Mid Terms."
(Though I have it much, much worse, obviously...)

I'll be pressed for time for the next week and a 1/2, so good-bye for now...


Merry Fish...Er, Christmas!

Hey! Hope you had a GREAT Christmas. I did. I enjoyed family and friends and got some cool gifts, like Munchkin, and other things, too.

Does anybody know what Boxing Day is?


Chistmas is coming...

Every Christmas season for the past 4 years, I've made these: Candy Trains.
While it's obviusly too late this year, I might sell 'em next year on my blog!
They're very successful, and I've gotten over $200 in PROFIT!



I have a HUGE collection of Foreign Currency, and recently I started taking some shots of 'em.

Here's a 1953 Chinese Bill:

In Plain view: China




Did you know that I, Mʁ. Hill, have started ANOTHER blog? It's under my same Mʁ. Hill profile,
but it's all about LEGO!! To get to it, press on my picture d' profile, and under the blogs section,
click on "LEGO Embassy to the world." It's just a blog to broadcast LEGO-related things.

As someone in the online LEGO community, I use Flickr as an outlet for sharing my MOCs.
Find me on Flickr under the profile name PlayR 1.



Hello again! If' you looked at the time I wrote this, you might notice that this is just slightly after
the time my schooling would start. That's because school got "snowed out!"

I have the day off, AND I might get Thursday off, too! On the downside, it's snowing insanely now,
and it's hard to drive around now.

Moving on, it seems there might be some radio advertising for me to do sometime soon as a
special "Game Guru." That means I'd probably advertise Gran Turismo 5!
If I can get enough money to significantly chip in to a PS3, then, well I'd get a PS3.

And finally, now that it's that special time of year (when FM and AM blast songs that all talk about Christmas for about a month...) Xmas time is also the time I start up "my little business."
I make these little candy trains, and I might start doing dog treats this year, as well.


MOCs, Bricks, and IPVs!

'Ello! Again! You can see that I'm getting into uploading secret files from my module more often now.

As you all know (or are about to,) I really like LEGO bricks...

Here are some "EPIC" pictures of my LEGO MOCS (MOC is My Own Creation.)
They are not professionally taken. I did this in my living room.

Here is my Jeep, which is actually a "redo" of a LEGO Toy Story set.

This is completely mine. I built this car, which I have branded as the
"Marooho Kadet," and I estimate that it took 5-6 hours to build.
The great thing about LEGO is that you buy it to make something,
tear it up and build something even better!

I got 90% of a $10 set in trade for just ONE LEGO helmet from my friend. It was
a small spaceship, and I took it apart and made this little IPV
(Interplanetary Personal Vehicle (I coined the term myself.))

I hope you can appreciate how good of a job I did with these MOCs.
(Not to brag!)
-Mʁ. Hill


Videos good?

I hope you liked those videos. They came from a brand spankin' new video game called "Gran Turismo 5." It's actually not a new game, but the 5th generation part is new.

Gran Turismo 5 features over 1000 cars, each with cutting edge physics and graphics.
The Gran Turismo game has always lived up to its slogan: "The real driving simulator."

More vids soon...

Me Followers, eh?